Kathleen Myers


Active 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Membership Level: Catholic Therapist Group

Therapist Information


Kathleen Myers

Therapy Specialization

Adult, Anxiety, Depression, Life Transitions, Marital, Premarital

Office Location / Address

10222 W. Central, Wichita, Ks.

Name of Practice

Psychology Consultants


[email protected]

Phone Number



Kathleen is a Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker who received her Master’s Degree from St Louis University in  St. Louis,  Mo.  She provided residential treatment services in addition to adoption and foster care and counseling with St Louis Catholic Charities for many years. She then worked with Personal Assistance Services also providing counseling for a wide variety of issues, including workplace concerns. Kathleen later moved to St Augustine, Fl and joined a private practice group, Psychology Associates, working with psychologists and psychiatrists to provide caring counseling to St. Augustine residents and the surrounding area. She has been in Wichita 6 years and is part of the group, Psychology Consultants practicing on the west side of Wichita.

Kathleen has many years experience working with folks who struggle with anxiety, depression, mood problems and grief/loss. In addition, she has spent much of her time helping couples wanting to improve their marriages, dealing with post-affair and communication issues. She has also helped with post divorce recovery. She works with adults age 18 +.

Kathleen is a member of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. She considers her counseling skills to be a gift and her career a vocation to help bring the love and healing of God to His people.

